Monday, April 23, 2007

Digital Works

Whitney Airport: About.

The about page of Whitney Airport doesn't really say what kind of artwork it supports; instead it describes the different services it provides for artists and the various ways they can exhibit their artwork on the website. General Information.

Rhizome seems to have a much more advanced support system, with an online newspaper, exhibitions, web hosting and many other offered services. It seems to mainly focus on contemporary art, such as photography, websites, Flash animations.

Wikipedia - Digital Art, Internet Art, New Media Art

The definition of digital art seems to be art that has been created or altered by the computer, it doesn't necessarily have to be entirely computer-generated, it can also be a scanned photograph or something similar. Internet art focuses on art that mainly uses the Internet as its source of destribution, and New Media Art by definition is art that can be created by any new technologies and software, such as graphics, animation, the Internet, robotics or even bio-technologies (the last I found pretty interesting and would like to know more about).

I Love Bees.. Or Do I?

I would hardly call this a game, it seems to be more of a non-linear narrative story experience. It's dependant on interaction and unpredictability, as well as some amount of chaos and confusion. Game is one of those words that seems very obsolete when put into such a contemporary context as this story. Seems to be a pretty good example of Internet art since the manner of distribution, its medium, seems very important to this work.


I remember that we looked at this work during our Digital Poetry class. If we have to peg it down into a box, I would like to call it New Media Art, since it uses a different, post-modern and non-linear way to tell a story on a grand scale from seemingly scattered bits and pieces of paper. I'm quite fond of this idea and think that I would enjoy stumbling upon these snippets of information here and there wherever I walked. The important thing in such a work is to make sure that every piece of information tells something about the most important goal of the project, to ensure that even if one would only come across a small slice of this story, they would understand what it's trying to do. There has to be a red thread throughout the narrative that ties it all together, if not then the story falls apart and disintegrates. But I think Implementation has succeeded with keeping this read thread in all the installments. As far as I could see, they tried to include some information about Iraq, soldiers or war in every snippet.

- Eve.

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